Helpful Info

  • Where are we? Our facility is located on the farthest southeast part of the East beach parking area, approximately 150 ft from the shoreline. We are directly behind the first lifeguard tower, just west of the seabird/sea turtle nesting area.
      • Free parking is available at the entrance of the park, ~200 yards from our location.
      • If the park is closed, you can drive up and park by our stable for free.
  • Accommodation: There is a pavilion with restrooms and concessions available on location, BUT, if the pavilion is closed, there are no accommodation within walking distance. Bring refreshments.
  • Proper attire: Dress comfortably for the conditions and elements. Blue-jeans are not required. Avoid strapless shoes (flip/flops) that may fall off.
  • The ride: The trail follows the shoreline around the outskirts of the East Beach sea-turtle/seabird nesting area! The trail passes by the South jetty on the farthest south-east tip of the island and goes on around to the ship-channel side of the park. The trail includes a beautiful natural lagoon, teaming with wildlife on one side, and a serene beach-front on the other side. It's very common to sea dolphins playing in the ship-channel!
  • It's Quiet: Due to the sea-turtle/seabird refuge, there are no vehicles permitted in this area, so no risk of an accident involving drivers. Due to the dangerous currents in the ship channel and around the south jetty, no swimming is permitted in this area. This ordinance greatly reduces the amount of people in the area, and make for a more private riding experience.
  • To get an idea of the experience check out the trail rides on our YouTube channel!

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